Wednesday, September 06, 2006

the scribbling begins...

Are you skely? I read your blog... .. .... ....

Well, when a stranger tells you this, you really do feel good... Finally I found a person (whom i did not know earlier) reading my blog.. that's enough motivation to start scribbling again..

this "MIND" is a wierd thing, it keeps pondering on one or the other stuff always.. if it overcomes the first stuff, it moves to the second stuff and so on... it is never satisfied and content with just one... it is in search of another stuff..

[ stuff ==> ambitions/aims or stuff ==> problem ]

At the end, it is all one's perception...


DD said...

hehee... this is what they call 'mayai' or 'maya'!!

ck said...

mmm... If it's all perception, then can you just think rid of those. i.e just keep telling oneself that one's worries,ambitions... etc., are just perception and not real till that one belives it? I don't think so mate!

DD said...

hmm... it's exactly why i find this thing interesting...

Spirituality says "you work on your problems (or rather do your duties), and give your best to solve them but your mind stays untouched by either success or failure of it... absolutely immune, your mind at peace!

hmm... it definitely takes long and hard practise to get to that!!