Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Andrew Raj!!!

A couple of weeks ago, the whole nation stood behind harbhajan, who was allegedly called a racist by Symonds and Cricket Australia... People were taking it too personally, that how could they ever call an Indian a racist and what not!!!!

And now, just a few days back, there were a few stupid idiots who attacked a couple of North Indians in Mumbai, after a regional party leader made some arbitary statements to woe the voters of the state...

I wonder, what happened to the "National Pride", that was so evident and prominent just a few weeks back!!!

It's a few idiots who over-react, and the media jumps on them, and stump the nation for a few days...

This article by biju, actually explains the whole issue brilliantly!!!

On a related note, read how gandhiji slams the very building blocks of our civilization...

No one lives alone on this planet,
Want to live on this planet?
Then learn to co-exist!!!

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