Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Well I am currently as puzzled as the title is.. For the past 6 weeks I didn't have a single free minute, and now I don't have a single busy minute. How life can change within a few hrs.. I wonder how life would be if this very minute the whole computer business vanishes and never returns. What would I be doing then? Perhaps a nomad?

"An Idle Mind is a Devil's Mind" --- Now how true is that? Let me analyze this statement.

Firstly who or what is a Devil? -- It is a person/thing, which does bad stuffs (or) does not follow the rules framed by the so-called good ones. Who decides what is good/bad, ethical/un-ethical in this world? And why do people think that rules framed earlier should always be followed and they are always good.Why don't anyone realize that there is nothing Good/Bad in this world. It is all about one's perception.

When a Mind is idle, what are the thoughts that conquer it?
The toughts that are present in your sub-conscious mind is what you experience first.

What kind of thoughts lie in your sub-conscious mind?
The toughts that you would like to put into action, but afraid of the society, as it might be termed as bad actions (or) refraining it from doing as it might hurt others feelings.

Why do we have to refrain from what we want to do? And why don't we realize what we have to do? Should we think and stick to what we have to do (or) should it naturally strike to us what we have to do?

Initially manhood strived for comforts, and basic upgradation of human life from caves to buildings. And now after everyone achieving it, everyone is driving towards Fame and Money. If you do not achieve any of the two then you might be termed as a loser. I really wonder what would be the driving force in this world, if everyone has sufficient money and all are famous.. Then what would people strive for? Conqering other planets?

If Dinasors existed a millian years ago, and we are existing now, who will exist another million years later? What was the driving force for the dinasors then? Or is it that they knew that some change is to happen on earth, and they all travelled in a space ship to someother planet. What if they return to end the human era.

"An Idle mind is one's true mind".

p.s: Can someone suggest me a good time-pass book to read?


Anonymous said...
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Krish said...

First..I think once u had disabled anonymous comments, then there wouldnt be any spam comments in ur blog...I mean the word verification thing is redundant!

Karthikeyan Chellappa said...

When you are at peace with the universe, your mind will be free of all thoughts. Don't ask me how I know this, I think I read this somewhere. But whenever I feel stressful, I sit down and concentrate on my breathing. After 5 mins, I'm more relaxed. Why? Because I kept my mind free of thoughts, or as you would put it, I kept it idle.

Anuradha Sridharan said...

Read "Inscrutable Americans" by Anurag Mathur. You will get to know how Gandhi might lead his life in US for the next 2 years.

Vijay Gandhi said...

come here and study - you can do a Ph.D. on "An Idle Mind is a Devil's Mind"! :-)

and please Skely, stop attacking the society!

and btw, what was the topic about - was it about sitting idle and doing nothing, or about the society, or about the dinosaurs or about the human era?

Bijesh said...

you are just a bit crazy, aren't u?

Vijay Gandhi said...

hey skely, if u r really so vetti, u could write a blog about the trip we had to the north-east india and maldives? i am serious.

abc said...

nice time pass man..Ya man if u are write about ur trips and something about ur drunkard state.